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Thursday, 6 February 2025

Children’s Mental Health Week: More Resources

  A few more resources for parents and children to support young people’s Mental Health πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Children’s Mental Health Week: Resources

 Resources to support your child with their mental wellbeing 

See below for a number of exercises and apps young people can access πŸ‘‡

Parenting Smart - Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour

List of reading and digital resources for teenagers

Little Troopers


Children’s Mental Health Week: Fear


Can appear when things get scary. It is also a warning that danger may be present. Your child should listen to this emotion but not let it get out of control.

See below for how fear can affect your child and things they can do to help manage it πŸ‘‡ 

Accept the emotion.

Reward your child every time they manage and overcome situations that have caused them to feel fearful. 

Children’s Mental Health Week: Disgust


Disgust can appear when things start getting dirty, or when your child feels somebody has done something wrong. 

See below for how disgust can affect your child and things they can do to help manage it πŸ‘‡ 

Accept the emotion. 

Once the feeling has passed, discuss what caused this feeling, how they reacted and consider how they could make it better next time.

Going Forward into Employment (GFiE): Latest Civil Service Job Vacancy for Service Leavers, Veterans and Spouses/Partners


The following vacancy is now open for applications under the GFiE Scheme:

GFIE-417 - AO Case Manager - Basildon
Job Description
Closing date: 24th February 2025

​GFiE roles are available specifically to people who served in the Armed Forces, or be in your resettlement period and due to leave the Armed Forces within a reasonable time frame or a Military Spouse/Partner (your current partner must still be serving or was discharged within the last 12 months).

To apply, please submit a completed EOI Form (also see Guidance notes) and an up to date CV to

For more information on the GFiE scheme please go to: A complete guide to GFiE – Veterans, Military Partners/Spouses and Service Leavers – Life Chances – Going Forward into Employment (GFiE) (

Office for Veterans Affairs ‘10 Things to Know About Veterans’ animation

 The aim of the '10 Things to know about veterans and their families' is to provide a range of stakeholders with the basic knowledge that can support their work with veterans.

X-Forces: Self Employment Discovery 3-Day Online Course for Military Spouses & Partners


Soldiering On Awards 2025: Nominations Open Until 30th March 2025


For more information and to make nominations online, please go to:  Home - Soldiering On Awards

Serve and Protect Credit Union’s latest Fixed Saver account


Serve and Protect Credit Union's latest Fixed Saver account is here πŸ€©
Secure a guaranteed 4.25% AER return on your savings over the next 12 months. Available to apply throughout February.
Learn more at:


Childcare Works project starting on 25th February 2025


 To find out more, please see contact details on the poster or visit: Wales Childcare Works project - NDNA Cymru

Children’s Mental health Week: Joy


Joy can appear when everything in life is going their way, and they are enjoying themselves. 

See below for how joy can affect your child and things they can do to help manage it πŸ‘‡

Accept and enjoy the emotion

Reflect on what has made your child feel happy, and how they can use it to feel happy in the future.

Recruit for Spouses March Online Workshop - Empowering Foreign and Commonwealth Military Spouses

 March’s online workshop is all about Empowering Foreign and Commonwealth Military Spouses.

This focussed workshop hosted by the Army Families Federation (AFF) and Recruit for Spouses (RfS) will provide crucial insights into legal and career support. To include:
  • Immigration and visa assistance from AFF
  • Employment support from RfS through the Career Academy’s Foreign & Commonwealth Programme
It is a fabulous opportunity to gain valuable resources, connect with peers, and enhance your journey towards personal growth and financial stability in the UK.

Sign-up Here

Children’s Mental Health Week: Anger


Anger appears when things go wrong or if one thinks they have been treated unfairly.

Keep an eye on anger so that it does not get out of control.

See below for how anger can affect your child and things they can do to help manage it πŸ‘‡

Accept the emotion

Feelings are for feeling not fixing and uncomfortable emotions are an opportunity to learn something new.

Once calm, discuss what triggered the anger, how they dealt with it and discuss how they could make it better next time.

Children’s Mental Health Week: Label the Emotion

 Your child’s ability to understand and manage emotions develops over time.

When your child is young, they’ll need help with understanding emotions. This mostly involves recognising and naming emotions.

Children learn how to: 
  • behave 
  • respond 
  • think 
  • understand 
  • communicate 
  • express themselves
from the adults around them.

Why not try this wheel exercise with your child:

Children’s Mental Health Week: Understanding Emotions

 It’s Children’s Mental Health Week and this year’s theme is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.’ Place2Be want to encourage self-awareness to build resilience, grow and develop. 

Understanding and managing emotions is important for development and wellbeing in children and teenagers. 

National Transition Event, Silverstone, 24th February 2025

 ‘Bringing together a community of communities’: Registration now open for the National Transition Event at Silverstone on 24 February!

Now in its 6th year, the National Transition Event (NTE) brings together Service Leavers, Veterans, Reservists, spouses & partners and family members to aid successful, sustainable transition & networking opportunities, recognising, demonstrating and celebrating the value of the Armed Forces. It uses the backdrop of the iconic GP racetrack to offer a unique event giving those attending a way to find out about careers and roles across different industry sectors while having a memorable day.
NEW for NTE25 is an invitation for 16–18-year-old Cadets to come along and hear about the opportunities open to them in the job market, apprenticeships and training.
This is the largest event of this kind in the UK and you are invited!
Within the five large Exhibitor Halls there will be exhibitors from sectors including Automotive, Renewable, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Professional Services, Construction, Engineering, Project Management, Cyber, Digital & AI, Facilities Management to name a few. In addition, there will be small business support, CV writing, interview techniques and LinkedIn advice; government and charity support services; a Family Zone and training & apprenticeship information.
Three reasons to attend:
1. The UK’s largest Armed Forces community event of its kind – feel welcome and have your valuable skills understood
2. Over 200 exhibitors wanting to share their knowledge and insight into the world of work – including meeting many veterans, reservists & family members working in industry
3. The Troops’ Track Day– run by Mission Motorsport on the GP Circuit 

SSAFA Public Health Campaign: Children’s Mental Health Week, 3rd to 9th February 2025

 Monday 3rd February 2025 is the start of Children’s Mental Health Week. Giving our children opportunities to open up and to feel seen and heard is one of the most important things a parent or carer can do to support their child’s well-being.

Did you know:
πŸ“š 1 in 10 boys aged 5-19 with a mental health condition are suspended in some form from school.
πŸ“… 50% of those with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14.
πŸ‘©πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸΌ 1 in 5 children and young people have a probable mental health condition, and many continue to have these problems into adulthood.

I hope this campaign helps to support parents to support their children to recognise and mange their emotions.

Serve & Protect February Update


February Webinars πŸ’»

πŸ“’ Free financial webinars this February from Serve and Protect - don't miss out!
🌍 Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money
πŸš€ Credit Score 101: Boost Your Score
πŸ” Before You Borrow: Things to Know
πŸ”— Register here:

Fixed Saver launch! πŸ†

Our latest Fixed Saver account launches on Saturday 1st February, offering a guaranteed return of 4.25% AER over the next 12 months.

Applications close on 28th February for existing members, or 25th February for new members.

Secure a guaranteed 4.25% AER return over the next 12 months with the latest Fixed Saver account from Serve and Protect Credit Union πŸ”
πŸ”— Learn more:

Latest podcast episode πŸŽ§

Episode 10 of the Smile and Save Podcast explores how mindfulness can be used to reduce financial stress and help you to manage their money with more clarity.

Mindfulness can be a simple and effective tool to live in the moment and reduce financial stress 😊
Discover how to navigate your financial journey with clarity in Episode 10 of the Smile and Save Podcast.
πŸ”— Watch here:

Key Dates πŸ“…

Don't miss out important dates and events in your communications calendar. We've compiled a list of key dates for February below with some short copy to help you raise awareness of the credit union.

Fixed Saver launch | πŸ“† Sat 1st February
Secure a guaranteed 4.25% AER return over the next 12 months with the latest Fixed Saver account from Serve and Protect Credit Union πŸ”
πŸ”— Learn more:

Valentine's Day | πŸ“† Fri 14th February
Show your finances some love this Valentine's Day and start saving from your wages with Serve and Protect Credit Union πŸ’›
πŸ”— Learn more: